Since Freddy is a very good friend of mine i asked him, if he wanted me to paint something on the big white wall on his roof terrace. He was excited and i gave him some options of paintings that would match a spot like this.


This is the one he fell in love with. The original piece is 50x50cm and this wall painting is about 5,60x5,30m big.

What a crazy week, but a wonderful project i will allways remember.

Workshops for future

Constantly I´m working with young people to show them how to raise their voice for political action against climatechange.

At a school in Monheim am Rhein I asked the pupils to paint selfportraits of themselfes in 10 years. It was shocking to see that most of them had a vision of a dystopian world behind them, without tress, with falling bombs, hunger and grey skies.


In Düsseldorf I had the great opportunity to get to know some fascinating young women, with whom i developed the idea of building sculptures out of trash we collected at the "Rhinecleanup" 2019.

At the Museum KIT in Düsseldorf we exhibited these sculptures out of old wood, bike-tires, bras, bottles etc. which looked like out of a fairytale at the first glimpse.


The fairytale will soon have an end.

Act now, raise your voice, change your way of treating the planet which is giving yo so much!


masquerade ball

The Masquerade Ball as a prelude to the annual exhibiton at the Academy of arts Düsseldorf was part of my graduation installation and could be seen as a big performance I created.


600 students, artists, professors and friends joined the unique gala in the auditorium of the academy of arts, creating a variety of imaginative characters.


My Installation in the class room was filled with attributes of indiviuality (works>2016). Every part has been telling another story, as you can see in the stairpaintings, where the shadow doesn´t fit to the figure you see. The Intention in this case is the false, subjective look at the people surrounding us. It also refers to Plato´s allegory of the cave.


The biggest work in the installation was the 7 meter high mirror-tower in the middle, which you could enter and look up at the "crown of individualty", the winner mask of the masquerade ball.

I couldn´t find a better way to show the highest expression of individuality than giving 600 artstudents the opportunity to change their appearance and then letting them vote for the best among them!




The Video to the Masquerade Ball with Mr. Shirazy& The Exile Orchestra

Photos of the Masquerade Ball 2016 by                                                                                  Alessandro De MATTEIS & Houtan Nourian ©

Photos of the Masquerade Ball

Odonien 2014

Wallinstallation at the junk yard/ art space/club Odonien in 2014.


This installation was my special concept for the first moviefestival "Veedelsfilmfestival" in Cologne, Germany.


2013 - 2014 in the Domstraße 91 in Cologne my friend and sister in heart Yuliya G. and I runned the gallery "etc.".


In one year we exhibited more than 20 artists, created installations, showed music performances etc..


Every exhibtion was a collaboration between us and the artist. So we changed the whole room and atmosphere for every exhibtion and people could allways join diverse installations which brought the art to other levels of understanding.